Silver Ramparts

The Grayniels

Cover Image for The Grayniels
Sam M
Sam M

Canic Grayniel


Canic Grayniel, the current king of the kingdom of Grayniel, is a man of 55 years who has ruled for the past 30 years. He is a quiet and reserved man, often preferring to listen and observe rather than speak out. Despite his subdued nature, he is a powerful leader, respected by both his subjects and his enemies.

One of Canic's more infamous traits is his proclivity for siring children with different mothers. Over the years, he has fathered 13 children, each with a different woman. While many might view this as a weakness, Canic has never let it interfere with his duties as king.

Canic's ascension to the throne was unexpected and tragic. His father, the previous king, was killed in an accident, leaving the young Canic to inherit the throne at a young age. Despite his youth, he proved to be a capable and just ruler, quickly earning the respect of his people.

Over the years, Canic has faced many challenges as king, but has always risen to the occasion. He is known for his strategic thinking, his diplomatic skills, and his unwavering dedication to his kingdom. While he may not be the most flamboyant or charismatic leader, his quiet demeanor and steady hand have earned him the loyalty and admiration of his people.

Grayson Grayniel


Grayson Grayniel is a formidable military leader who commands the armies of the north and east with an iron will. He is a proud human who holds the belief that humans are the superior species and that they have the right to rule over all other races. Despite his views, he does not consider himself to be a racist, instead, he sees the annexation of other territories as a way of helping them take care of the land and using it to its full potential.

Grayson is a fierce warrior who has led his troops to many victories, earning the respect of his soldiers and the fear of his enemies. He is known for his strategic mind and his ability to make quick decisions on the battlefield. Despite his prowess in battle, he is also a shrewd politician and is often called upon to negotiate treaties and alliances with other kingdoms.

Grayson has a stern demeanor and rarely shows his emotions, preferring to keep his thoughts and feelings to himself. He is a man of few words but when he speaks, he commands attention. His loyalty to the kingdom of Grayniel and its people is unwavering, and he will stop at nothing to protect his homeland and its citizens.

Conrad Grayniel


Conrad Grayniel is a shrewd businessman who has amassed great wealth through his trading ventures. He is married to the duchess, his cousin, which gives him significant influence in the political realm. Conrad is not afraid to get his hands dirty if it means increasing his profits, and he has been known to engage in questionable dealings with less-than-reputable individuals.

Conrad is a firm believer in the superiority of humans over other races, and he sees no issue in exploiting the resources of other lands and peoples for the benefit of his own kind. He is not above using his wealth and power to further his own interests, and he is willing to play both sides of the fence if it suits his purposes. Despite his unsavory nature, he is often seen as a valuable ally by those who seek to increase their own wealth and influence.

Atrixzia Grayniel


Atrixzia Grayniel is a fierce woman with half barbarian blood, towering over most men and women at an impressive height. She is a devoted zealot who firmly believes in the superiority of the God of Light whom she worships, and is willing to go to any lengths to convert others to her faith. Atrixzia is often called upon to lead missions to the barbarian tribes of the east, where she is known for her uncompromising and unrelenting approach to conversion. She is not afraid to use force to achieve her goals, and has been known to "cleanse" entire settlements of barbarians in the name of her God. Despite her fearsome reputation, Atrixzia is deeply committed to her beliefs and sees her actions as a righteous duty.

Betta Grayniel


Betta Grayniel is a shrewd and powerful woman who holds considerable influence in the capital. As the de facto head of the royal guard, she controls the flow of supplies and resources to the capital, and her authority ensures that the guard remains loyal. Betta also holds significant control over government spending, and she is not afraid to use her power and influence to get what she wants. Despite her formidable reputation, Betta is a highly intelligent and strategic thinker, she takes great care in overseeing non-human affairs and ensuring that all citizens, regardless of race, are treated fairly.

Quaid Grayniel


Quaid Grayniel is the Deputy Admiral of the United Fleets and a seasoned leader of marines and coastal defenses. He is a man who takes his duties seriously and is tasked with controlling the pirates and protecting the coast. Quaid has spent years studying the ways of the pirates, and he isn't afraid to use their tactics against them. He is a skilled strategist and has a sharp mind that enables him to quickly adapt to new situations. He is respected by his men, and his enemies fear him. Quaid is a force to be reckoned with and is fiercely dedicated to his role as protector of the coasts.

Cordelia Grayniel


Cordelia Grayniel is a seasoned herbalist and alchemist who oversees the agricultural production in the south and eastern breadbasket provinces. She is known for her kindness and hardworking nature, but also for her no-nonsense approach when it comes to dealing with food shortages. Cordelia is not afraid to use the threat of hunger as a means of motivating farmers and ensuring that the kingdom remains well-fed. She is highly respected for her knowledge of botany and chemistry and is often consulted by other members of the Grayniel family for her expertise in these fields.

Perdix Grayniel


Perdix Grayniel is a brilliant scientist, engineer, and mage who is deeply fascinated by the history and potential of industrial magic. He spends most of his time experimenting and developing new technologies, often losing track of time and neglecting his personal needs. Despite his family's political influence, Perdix has no interest in politics and prefers to remain focused on his scientific pursuits. He can be absent-minded at times but is incredibly driven and always searching for the next breakthrough in his field.

Lindir Grayniel


Lindir Grayniel is a half-elf who holds a deep-seated animosity towards other elves. He believes they should be gathered up and forced into small camps or pushed out into the wild territories. In his role as head of border control, Lindir wields significant power and is known for his sadistic tendencies towards non-humans. His methods are often brutal and he has little patience for those who oppose him.

Vera Grayniel


Vera Grayniel is a kind, gentle, and of short stature. Which often leads people to speculate that she might be part dwarf. Despite her unassuming appearance, Vera is a highly capable individual who takes care of the healthcare needs of the people. She oversees the operation of healthcare across the kingdom and is deeply committed to ensuring that everyone has access to quality medical care. Despite the challenges she faces in her role, Vera remains empathetic and compassionate towards those under her care, earning her the respect and admiration of those around her.

10th prince (17) Leopold - A confident and ambitious young man, determined to prove himself as a capable leader and warrior. He's highly skilled in swordsmanship and enjoys participating in tournaments and battles.

11th princess (16) Amelia - A gentle and empathetic soul, who cares deeply about the well-being of others. She's highly skilled in diplomacy and often serves as an ambassador to other kingdoms.

12th prince (11) - Austen - A curious and studious individual, who has a deep fascination with magic and the arcane. He spends much of his time studying ancient tomes and practicing spellcasting.

13th prince (8) Alexander - A mischievous and adventurous young boy, who loves exploring the outdoors and going on wild escapades. He's highly energetic and always looking for the next adventure to embark upon.